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Why is curtain wall fittings welded steel structure?

Curtain wall fittings adopts welded steel structure. Glass curtain wall and steel structure welding not only in accordance with the "Regulations" of the design of steel structures, and more importantly, more than 10 years of scientific experiments and engineering experiences indicate that there is no reason not to curtain wall steel structure welding. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.

More than 10 years, China has built the stone curtain wall aluminum plate and welding steel structure support, never because of the welding of steel structure and safety accidents occurred; this kind of project in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places even experienced a number of grade 12 to 14 strong typhoon blow and sound.

Ten years, China had repeatedly shaking table test of stone curtain wall, in order to challenge the limits of the supporting structure using the flexible welding steel structure, seismic acceleration test greatly exceed the fortification intensity of 7 and 8 degrees, 9 degrees to 10 degrees, and even. The displacement angle of the curtain wall specimen reaches 1/70~1/50.. Under such displacement, the main structure of the actual house has already collapsed, while the welded steel structure and panel of the curtain wall specimen remain intact. The shaking table test results show that the welded steel structure of the curtain wall can meet the seismic requirements.

The Wenchuan earthquake occurred in May 12, 2008, and the curtain wall in Chengdu experienced an unprecedented test. In 1998 the controversial, but fortunately preserved for ten years of welded steel structure curtain wall, like the screwed steel curtain wall, at 7 degrees, 8 degrees District of Chengdu District of Deyang, Dujiangyan, Mianyang 9 District remain intact. The investigation of earthquake damage shows that the metal and stone curtain wall with welded steel structure has excellent seismic performance.

Having experienced such a wide range and so severe tests, what are the reasons for not allowing the curtain wall to be welded steel in the face of the standard of practice?

In twenty-first Century, the steel structure is widely used in curtain wall frame, welding connection naturally become the Qingdao theatre built in 2009 40 thousand square meters of stone curtain wall engineering supporting steel structure, the shape is complex and changeable, surbase and other very much, all steel frame by welding. Built in 2008 in Guangzhou New Baiyun Airport, the terminal point supported glass curtain wall composed of square steel tube beam column support, not only Liang Zhu itself and curtain wall welding, the whole skeleton is directly welded on the main structure.

Built in 2007, BeiJing Capital Airport terminal T3, double laminated insulating glass curtain wall plate, size 3.6mX1.8m, the span of steel aluminum composite beam supporting 10.8m. A vertical steel truss attached to a curtain wall by a welded bracket. Similarly, the glass curtain wall of the Yinchuan airport terminal in Ningxia is supported by a welded structure consisting of square steel tubes, beams and columns.

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